Finding a real and professional hit man is not an easy task. As the founder of this website, I would like to share my perspective on the topic of the contract killers, also known as hitmen.

Nowadays, the topic of crime and criminals generate fear, since over time there are many more crimes happening. Consequently, the number of people who become criminals increases considerably. Crimes become more and more cruel and planned, which makes us all very nervous.

In this group of criminals there is one that calls itself hitmen, which is what we will focus on in this article. Hitmen are identified by the fact that they kill on the orders of another person and in exchange they could be given money or another type of payment.

Contract killers are not a recent phenomenon, crimes by hitmen began years ago, but as mentioned before, this type of crime is increasing more and more due to the increase in criminal organizations.

This website aims to raise the question: what motivates a professional hit man to commit this type of crime? Here we will question the actions, personalities, values ​​and motivation of the criminal to end the life of a person just for a type of payment with value.

Offender profiling is an investigation technique in which several analyses of each pattern of behavior of the hit man are carried out. On the one hand, it is based on the economic aspect, since it is clearly thought that they earn very well.

They not only earn for only for one crime, since they can carry out several crime assignments in one day, their income can be quite high. Secondly, it is the possession of such power and authority over the lives of others, and thirdly, sexual and/or emotional violence.

This set of three motivations says a lot about the hitman, since each one is linked to the other; speaking of possession, power means money, possessing luxuries, control, etc. It also speaks about the position that he wants to have over others in society. The economic aspect is particularly considerable, of course. The professional hit man like feeling that he is able to be above others, having power not only within his own gang but in his own neighborhood.

Each act of the hitman contains some violence towards the other person, whether emotional or sexual, which affects the other and, consequently, will end the life of the victim.

According to a study conducted by McGill University, two types of hitmen groups were found. An antisocial hitman is the first type. That category refers to the fact the he is antisocial and impulsive but with the ability to establish emotional relationships and feel guilt or remorse for his actions. And, on the other hand, an antisocial subject, but contrary to the other, is insensitive, arrogant, egocentric, manipulative, cruel in his behavior, lacking empathy, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to open from my perspective the criminal profile of a real hit man. These kind of individuals are usually quite cold-minded. They are able to carry out this type of actions and, equally, it seems that they could never have a stable emotional relationships. Basically, it would be difficult for their interpersonal relationships to be able to accept or assimilate what they are doing as a job.

Here it would be interesting to analyze why these certain personality traits come from that cause the subject, called a hitman in this case. Most people ask themselves why they want to end the life of another person without knowing them, in exchange for a valuable payment. We have to ask ourselves what happened them, in their life, their childhood, to develop such complicated and dangerous degrees.

We would have to analyze each case of each hitman in its entirety because, from my perspective, I feel that each person may have a different and particular motive, but similar to those that have already been described here.

Understanding why hiring a hit man

hiring a killer
hiring a killer

The crime of contract killing in recent years has become an evident social problem. The life of an individual has an economic value that is often overseen by hitmen in general.

This illegal activity frequently exposes adolescents and young adults to situations of vulnerability and abandonment. Those situations motivate individuals that live in lower class neighborhoods to participate in criminal activities.

Since criminal groups and gangs recruit them and use them as instruments to carry out criminal activities, we can say classify the phenomenon of contract killers as a social problem.

assassin for hire
assassin for hire

Getting into the mind of a killer