Rent a hitman for his darkest side

One of the most popular google searches is how to rent a hitman. People are tired nowadays to go through a court process in order to solve their issues that they may have with a certain person or persons. If you are one of these individuals, the information here might be very beneficial to you. If you want to rent a hitman without having to read all this website, we suggest you to contact us here and it will be our pleasure to assist you.

A hitman has the skills in handling weapons and vehicles that they frequently use to escape the scene of the crime. Most murderers have knowledge of the victims' activities, routes, schedules, people and places they go to.

They also have an extensive knowledge in operations and tactics by virtue of receiving special training or having been part of military or police forces. Hitmen have the categorization of three different kinds, which result from the contract killing activity or the execution of a person on request.

Firstly, there is someone who hires the services of another person to carry out the murder. It is this first actor, who has a direct relationship with the victim, whether due to personal problems, to settle scores between gangs or simply to instill fear among a sector of the population.

The second actor is the one recognized as an intermediary and is the one who puts the contracting party in contact with the hitman. The role of this actor is important, because he is not a simple character, he is also well involved and knows both the victim and the appropriate perpetrator.

The third actor is the hitman, hired to murder and who has to carry out the crime directly and who in many cases, does not know the contractor. He does not know the intermediary and generally does not care. All he wants is to do what he was hired to do.

Who are the victims?

More than half of the victims are under 35 years old, and in the case of women, the majority were previously victims of domestic violence. This has led to an uncontrolled growth of these criminal organizations recruiting people to be part of them, both adolescents and young adults.

Unfortunately, in recent times, even minors are considered a tool. They are seen as useful and valuable to achieve the purposes of murder for hire.

The economic factor and the lack of education are the main reasons why hitmen are gaining strength. Some of them have no access to better jobs. This results in people opting for an easy, although dangerous path.

This results in an uncertain and insecure climate, both for the common citizens, as well as for those entrepreneurs, who with their knowledge, capital and investments, choose to take these elements and invest them elsewhere.

This cycle results in more poverty and misery for the society in which they intended to establish themselves. The industry to rent a hitman really flourishes when the economy is not so favorable for its citizen in general.

rent a hitman
rent a hitman

Criminal personality of a hitman

The appearance of the hitman as such is due, in part, to the violence and culture of violence that arises in their upbringing. A distinction can be made from violence focused in this case on delinquency and criminality, which is the most visible in statistical terms and in terms of human deaths.

So, it must be understood that hitmen are not just a phenomenon of isolated persons who use violence to commit murders, it is something much more complex than that. Its reality is based on a set of networks. Those individuals who are hired to commit a murder threaten our society and institutions. They represent a barrier in terms of the construction of a viable economy.

This phenomenon is a process that is growing in darkness, because its existence is part of the dark web and because it is covered under the mantle of the definition of aggravated homicide.

Antisocial personality

When studying the antisocial personalities of a hit-man, some of his personality traits are quite different from the rest of the general population. Mainly, they perceive themselves as victims and believe that their suffering justifies them to make others perish, as angry victims. They seem to feel like they act like this because they were also victims and suffered.

With antisocial personalities, they justify themselves and feel like victims. They even avoid guilt and they are marked by a lack of remorse. When people decide to carry out activities that are harmful to others, whether for personal gain or social reasons, they avoid confrontation or minimize the harm they cause.

"I didn't hurt her, I relieved her of the pain of living", some of them would even say when asked why the killed someone. They easily remember information they previously received about the potential benefits of the behavior, but are less able to remember its harmful effects.

Hitmen make up a subgroup of antisocial personalities, who according to several experts, present a distortion of self-esteem. As a matter of fact, psychopaths have been associated with exaggerated self-worth, self-esteem so high that it has to be unreal. Those attitudes are related to ego-centrism, hedonism and megalomania.

That is the reason why some are attracted to giving interviews to the media, taking photographs, appearing as criminal celebrities. That said, when someone hires their services when they are looking to rent a hitman, not only it is easy for them to carry out those murders but they are also quite interested in giving interview to the press.

Hitmen have a criminal mind

As far as the level of intelligence is concerned, the studies are not conclusive; some authors mention deficits and other higher levels of IQ. That may be due to the fact that intelligence is a multi-factorial characteristic and that the studies focus on only one of its factors.

Psychopaths are not more intelligent, that is simply a myth. They have deficiencies in their verbal IQ, but they learn from their criminal career and previous mistakes. They are more skilled at evading justice than a simple individual.

The criterion of good intelligence does not mean that psychopaths have a higher average IQ, but rather that there are two reasons to think that they have intellectual capacity. Firstly, their scandalous attitudes are not due to simple stupidity.

Secondly, they do not allow themselves to be intimidated. They tend to make the most of their intelligence in situations where others would tend to appear dumber than they really are.

In the dark minds of most hitmen, there is room only for evil and, as they venture into criminal activity, they develop a more psychological vaccine. That vaccine makes them “immune” to compassion. The reason these people do not feel a guilty conscience after murdering someone is because there is a gap of emotional and moral emptiness. Genetic predisposition can also be determined as the cause.

There is a lack of a sense of anxiety, of a feeling of guilt. There is also an absence of critical judgment to assess the harm of others. In many cases, the mentality of a hitman is due to a congenital impairment of the brain in the areas of development of feelings. Those areas are: the hypothalamus, amygdala, thalamus or hippocampus. This is a connection between the sentimental and the emotional feelings.


Within the known antecedents regarding a hitman as such, it is worth mentioning ancient Rome. Nowadays, it is someone who murders on request, for revenge, extortion in exchange for financial compensation. That financial incentive can be either in cash or by receiving a favor.

In some occasions, they even ask for objects as insignificant as a spare part for a car for killing a person, which means that the value assigned to life, by the those hit men commit this type of activities, is almost nothing.

how to rent a hit-man
how to rent a hit-man