How to find a hitman near me

Are you currently searching for a hitman near you? Before doing that, we suggest that you read the pages of this website, or write to us here and we will get back to you as soon as possible. As you may already know, hitmen are individuals who usually grow up surrounded by violence so it is always recommenced to search for one that lives in a violent neighborhood.

There are several types of violence, such as family violence. It is one of the most common factors and is almost always directed at women. Research consistently shows that a woman is more likely to be hurt, raped, or murdered by a hitman or a partner, than by anyone else.

Domestic violence can occur mainly due to a jealous and aggressive husband or due to bad behavior of children with parents. Another type of violence is the psychological violence. That type of behavior includes repeated verbal abuse, harassment, confinement and deprivation of physical, financial and personal resources.

These types of manifestations of violence bring with them certain consequences such as alcoholism, drug addiction, poverty and lack of values. Having a poor academic education can also be a predisposing factor for a minor to become a hit-man and a possible criminal.

Domestic violence and the lack of police security increase the risk of being victims. However, security entities maintain that homicidal violence is a phenomenon relatively immune to their efforts to control it or prevent it from happening.

According to this line of reasoning, an homicidal act carried-out by a hitman is a manifestation of social processes and interactions such as unemployment, dysfunctional families, lack of income and several other aspects.

Predisposing factors of violence

It is important that government entities recognize that homicide prevention is an issue that concerns them, since there are elements that can be used to reduce homicides in the highest risk areas. Some of the variants of the family that are worth highlighting are the neighborhood and the home where the hitman grows up.

A future hit-man will live different experiences that will later become attitudes and criteria. The identification that characterizes the period of adolescence is nourished by the examples that the young person receives on the streets.

Every city is prone to crime and you can see how criminal gangs are born in popular neighborhoods. The children who live in these neighborhoods grow up surrounded by violence and they even see it as something normal. They even think that this is what they will experience when they grow up and the way they will earn their living.

On the other hand, the lack or emotional abandonment has been seen frequently in juvenile delinquency. It is one of the most influential factors since the relationships that these young people have with their parents are very poor. As well as the lack of interest, participation and dedication on the part of parents towards their children's education.

The risk factors associated with the appearance of early homicidal ideation were a family history of crime. A father under 20 years of age, physical abuse during childhood (having been burned, hanged, submerged in water or tied up), extreme poverty, separation from parents or constant moving and witnessing family fights.

This group of persons who late become hitmen or killers perceived their mothers as absent and rejecting. In the late group, the factors related to this type of delinquency were: being children of parents who were often separated, a father over forty years old, parents who migrated or with a low level of education.

It is evident that violence in the family is the basis for so many acts that trigger abuse and violence. A young child who becomes a hitman later in life is someone who grew up in a household where violence was present.

It is seen daily how mothers and fathers harm both physically and psychologically, setting an example for their children to be future violent people.

Lack of resources

The economic insufficiency and lack of education in adolescents causes their parents to put them to work in order to help the family survive. Some of them are so desperate to get any kind of income that they look for a job as a hit-man. Unfortunately, nowadays there are more and more children on the streets begging for alms, or children who work as street vendors. This has become an alarming social problem that we should all be concerned about.

Parents in popular neighborhoods where hitmen usually live force their children to work and drop out of school so that they can help support their families financially. On the other hand, poverty and the lack of what is essential is another factor that predisposes to crime.

Hunger is the most outstanding case, although it has been seen that primary needs are not alleviated by juvenile delinquents, they prefer to spend their earnings on other things such as buying weapons or drugs.

The social environment

The factors that significantly influence when talking about youth violence are endogenous factors. Those factors are are influenced by the DNA and it is where genetics comes into play. Basically, we can see that this is a predisposing factor that influences the interrelationship with others. In addition, exogenous factors have an important role to play since all human beings are sociable beings. We need others to be able to fulfill themselves as people.

Furthermore, environmental pressure and certain ways of life are triggers or influences crime. as far as a hit man is concerned The behaviors that children acquire are not inherited but learned, they grow up receiving the positive and negative burdens imposed on them by the environment in which they grow up.

With respect to the influence exerted by society, we can see how the adolescent creates their own society in small groups. We can see that some aspects such as aggressiveness, territoriality for illegal activities seem to be flourishing. They have a major influence and latent risk factor when it comes to homicidal and criminal behavior.

In the United States, a very large increase in homicides in young men was observed during the late 90s. All this was related to the appearance of cocaine consumption and the fact that young people began to walk around armed. The use of weapons and drugs are factors of great importance in the behavioral patterns of homicides committed by hitmen in both the United States and Latin America.

Most of the time, these groups are made up entirely of men, which makes it possible for violent behavior to occur. This phenomenon is partly due to the fact that men are more impulsive and often do not measure the consequences of their actions. This is why men have higher rates of externalized behavior and women have higher rates of internalized behavior. That is one of the reason why we usually see more men that women that work as hitmen for hire.

hitman near me
hitman near me

Aspects that reflect a hitman's behavior

Biological aspects

Another reason why a hitman is more violent that a normal individual is hormonal. The regulation of some hormones such as testosterone and cortisone are related to aggression. Testosterone levels during pregnancy are relatively high, which allows the brain to develop accordingly. At birth, this hormone decreases, but in adolescence it increases drastically again in men, which explains their greater aggressiveness, but as we age it decreases again, which is why there is also a decrease in violent behavior.

Other factors that may also be predisposing to aggression and delinquency are poor academic performance, learning difficulties, low IQ. The executive function of the brain where decisions are made, is different from the brain of persons that are not involved in crime.

Furthermore, adolescence seems to be the stage of greatest vulnerability for the development of antisocial behaviors since at this stage is where the formative processes of personality begin to occur.


The hitman's motivations are instrumental and moral in nature. The motivation is financial compensation. The murderer is also the representation of what is happening in society. He exists as long as there are individuals who need his services. The hitman commits murderous acts which were not sought by himself, but provoked by others.

In homicides by hitmen, the client is invisible to the justice system and is almost never prosecuted. On the other hand, motivation by need can become motivation by desire in the hitman. Several known cases of assassins where, after some time spent committing homicides, the hitman feels a compulsive desire to murder people who were his enemies.

The reasons which explain homicidal behavior differ and coincide in certain aspects of each case. In contract killings, they are at an economic level, although there are also ideological reasons because the exercise of the "profession" is based on the conviction that they have innate talents which allow them to commit murder.


Impunity generates the recreation of the crime. The greater the impunity, the greater the frequency of the crime. Impunity causes social resentment and an awareness of retaliation. In addition, the absence of socialization processes that control instincts, in this sense, the objective and subjective elements of the structure are evident. The objective aspect is manifested when the law enforcement agencies are not there to control the confrontations.

When these two conditions occur, we end up having a state of generalized fear. Fear is the punishment of the other and the other's family, while the punishment granted by the State is generally mild. In this way, defective criminal and social justice leads the innocent to become involved in crime, and even to kill. These conditions favor the production and reproduction of violence


It is important to know that not only the consumption of alcohol or drugs are factors that enhance violence in fights. However, there are other social factors, for example, the field of sports. Violence in these scenarios is initially related to the tensions generated during sports competitions due to the interests that have been built around it, which function as triggers.

hit-man near me and my location
hit-man near me and my location