Hire a hitman for the unusual task

You are visiting our website because you are looking to hire a hitman? We highly recommend you to have a closer look at the following information. However, if you prefer to contact us directly without having to read everything, please reach out to us here.

According to several studies, the profile of a hitman is a hypothesis about personality and demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, race and socioeconomic level. By itself, the profile is not able to point out the offender, but it helps to strengthen the scope of the investigation, offering these new orientations and alternatives.

Then we must understand that the profile of a hit man will be all those characteristics that individualize a person who commits a crime, starting with those physical, social, psychological characteristics. This in order to be able to approach as much as possible to the possession of a person in charge for a criminal act. It will also serve to compare all that evidence found and thus establish their intrinsic relationship.

The criminal profile of a hit-man allows the investigator to obtain the most reliable source to which he will direct his work. It will also allow the investigator to find the possible causes the determine who hired the hitman.

In addition to helping him filter down several profiles, since he will not have an extensive work field but will simplify the same. This way, you will acquire better results that will be effective later to offer solutions or conclusions of a certain criminal event.

Types of profiles

The first of them is the profile of known offenders or inductive method, in which the profile of the unknown offender is drawn based on behavioral characteristics shared by other hitmen studied in the past. Those individuals fit the same behavioral pattern of the subject.

The first profile category of a hitman for hire, is aimed at establishing the peculiarities of a person's behavior. In addition, we must consider, we must consider the traits of those that are related or similar to other people who commit the same type of crimes. These peculiarities similarly belong to other criminals and therefore such motive can fit the same line of the criminal to whom the investigation is being directed.

The second is the profile of known aggressors or deductive method. In this case, statistical data based on previous similar cases are not taken as a reference, but rather an exhaustive analysis of the crime scene. The data provided by the scientific community is carried out to deduce the psychological and behavioral characteristics of the victim.

All details do count

In this other type of profile, we can establish that our matrix points for creating a profile will be the crime scene, accompanied by the information offered by the victim or victims. That said, we will find a smaller space to begin to develop data that allows the creation of a profile.

For example, if a cigarette is found at the crime scene, we can think that the hitman or perpetrator is a smoker or even that the possible perpetrator hates people who smoke. Now, it is important to take note that the murderer could have tortured him before killing or even after he was dead. This is how this other type of criminal profile develops.

The third type of profile is the geographical one, which tries to relate the location of the crime scene with the place of residence of the perpetrator. This element is based on the idea that the aggressors act in a place and time that have a personal meaning for them.

Hitmen come in all kinds of forms

This category turns out to be more complicated, since in many cases the crime does not particularly happen in the victim's house. It may be that the place where the event occurred is used to confuse the investigator.

However, it is possible to say that it is not the same that a person has been killed in one of the main streets of the city, as if the person had been killed in the dangerous areas of that same city.

On the other hand, it may happen that the place where one or more people were killed is the place that marked the life of the now perpetrator, which would provide an ideal aspect when starting an investigation. If your goal is to hire a hitman, we think it is of great importance that you consider all the information mentioned in this website. However, if you do not have the time to read everything, you can contact us through this page and we will get back to you soon.

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Hitman's characteristics

In order to be a hitman, one must have the characteristics of a psychopath. The vast majority of these people, when carrying out psychological and criminology studies, when they are arrested, the following characteristics are found. Those who search on the internet to hire a hitman do not understand those special traits that those killers have.

All those characteristics mentioned below seem to correspond to the profile of psychopaths:

1. Charm with people, seductive, special apparent kindness

2. Calm and verbal ease

3. Lack of reliability, they cannot be trusted

4. Neglect of obligations, no sense of responsibility

5. Little sincerity

6. Without feelings of guilt, without remorse nor shame for what he does. And this is what makes them extremely dangerous, there is not the slightest remorse for their actions

7. Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior, unexplained impulsivity

8. Poor judgment, inability to learn from previous experiences

9. Pathological ego centrism, they feel like they are the owners of the world, poor ability to love

10. General poverty of deep and true emotions

11. Inability to see oneself from the point of view of others

12. Ingratitude

13. Fantastic behavior after drinking or taking drugs

14. Vulgarity, rudeness, very abrupt change of mood

15. Impersonal, trivial and poorly integrated sexual life

Can we consider them as serial killers or what is the difference?

No, they're not really serial killers. The serial killer carefully plans his crimes before executing them. The hitman for hire receives the order to kill and they go at that moment to commit the crime. The serial killer carries his crimes in his mind for years, he recreates them, before committing them, he imagines them.

He generally executes them on the spot. The serial killer generally operates individually. The hit-man murders generally accompanied by a group of hitmen.

The serial killer kills one person every time he does it. Someone can hire a hitman to so he can go and murder 10 or 15 people at the same time. Most serial killers do not usually have any connection with the victim. However, sometimes, they know their victims. Serial killers lack clear motives for killing. They kill for revenge, for money or out of hatred for others.

The serial killer operates at various times, going through “cooling off” intervals in which he begins to plan his next homicide. The hitmen can kill in the morning and in the afternoon and/or night of that same day.

The serial killer selects, most of the time, people of the same type and characteristics: women with certain characteristics, prostitutes, girls, homosexuals, etc. The hitman kills indiscriminately (he has beginner hunter syndrome. He can shoot at everything that moves, even the innocent victims.

No, you definitely cannot say that they are serial killers, rather they can be classified as mass murderers, who can kill multiple people in a single time.